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As an antifungal antibacterial shampoo Glycozoo supports the skin's epithelium (outer layer of skin) by protecting it through hydration and its structure.  Glycozoo is especially effective against fungal cases with its Boric Acid (shown to be effective against fungal conditions such as Malassezia) and along with all the other Cutania shampoo's offers a really pleasant aroma. 

Cutania Glycozoo Shampoo 236ml

SKU: 0102
VAT Included
  • Properties: Antiseptic and drying action • Keratolytic, lipolytic and exfoliating effect • Supports the epithelium, keeps its structure, hydrates and protects

    Indications: Antifungal and Antibacterial shampoo maintaining a healthy skin and coat condition.

    For use with Dog, Cats and Horses

    236ml Bottle

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